Ebbets was here

On Thursday of last week I went out to get a couple new tires for the car (gotta be safe what with the new addition to the family and all). To kill time while waiting for the service manager to upsell me 4 new tires, a realignment, and a brake job, I walked around the neighborhood and took a few photos. While walking, I stumbled on the apartment complex above. It didn't strike me at first, but then I did a little digging, and it turns out that it's not just named after Ebbet's field, it's on the former site!
So, if you find yourself roaming around Brooklyn one day, and you have time to kill, roam on over to 55 Sullivan Place, squint your eyes, and imagine what it must have been like to have our own Major League team just two blocks from the Prospect Park subway stop in Flatbush.
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