Scooter-parking obsessed man leaves nasty note

Uploaded by jeanphony on 12 Jun '05, 6.54am PST.
So I got my scooter back and less than 24 hours later This Guy left the note above on it to welcome me back to the neighborhood. Nice, huh. He wants me to meet him for a "showdown at high-noon" on the newyorkscooters Yahoo Group. Get a fucking life, dude.
The thing that gets me is that he made the effort to actually go home , type it up, print it out, and return with some scotch tape to stick it to my scoot. Wow. I can just picture him storming down the street with his little note and his little tape dispenser.
Apparently This Guy does this all the time. check this out. He even used the same font and color (ooohh... pink is my ANGRY color.) For more laughs, check out this thread on Yahoo groups, or this one.
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